Here is a video explaining the meaning of the word ‘seb’ in Hmong. Below I have attached my slides in PDF:

Zaj 046 – Huab Cua Tshav Kub Kub – Very Hot Weather
Conversation – Regular Speed Conversation Conversation – Slow with Explanations Nyob zoo phooj ywg. Hnub no koj ua dab tsi? Hello, my friend. What are you doing today? Nyob zoo phooj ywg. Hnub no koj ua dab tsi? Kuv nyob tsev xwb. Koj nev? I’m just staying home. How about…
In "premium content"

Zaj 015 – Conversation: Talking About the Village
Conversation – Regular Speed Conversation Conversation – Slow with Explanations Nyob zoo, ntev lawm mam rov ntsib koj. Hello, it’s been a long time since I saw you. Nyob zoo, ntev lawm mam rov sib ntsib koj. Aws, nyob zoo os. Yog mas, kuv nco koj kawg li. Yes, hello.…
In "premium content"

Zaj 029 – Mob Plab – Stomach Pain
Conversation – Regular Speed Conversation Conversation – Slow with Explanations Koj tuaj lov yawg? You’ve come, sir? Koj tuaj lov yawg? Aws, tuaj os. Yes, I’m here. Aws, tuaj os. Koj tuaj muaj dab tsi os yawg? What did you come for? Koj tuaj muaj dab tsi os yawg? Me…
In "premium content"