Noun Classifiers Lesson

Video summarizing how noun classifiers work in the Hmong Language.Cheat SheetDownload a PDF cheat sheet of common noun classifiers in Hmong.Noun Classifiers Cheat SheetDownload PDFExtra ResearchClassifiers worksheet from the book Hmong for Beginners- Download PDFClassifier lesson from ‘Elements of White Hmong Grammar’ (Translated from French) –Download PDFExhaustive list of Classifiers from EH White Hmong Dictionary … Read More

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Turning a verb into a noun in Hmong

road in hmong village

What is a Verb? What is a Noun? A verb is an action word, or a word that describes something that you do as opposed to a ‘thing.’ So a verb could be to run, to eat, to think, to talk, to hear, to like, etc. A noun on the other hand is a person, place, or thing. So a … Read More

The Noun Classifier in Hmong

What is a noun classifier in Hmong? First of all, do you remember what a noun is? A noun is a person, place, or thing. Noun classifiers are special grammatical words placed before a noun to add depth of meaning to it, to grammatically make a reference in a sentence more specific, and to differentiate between homonyms (two words that … Read More