Sarah produces her own guided learning video series. You can see her youtube channel to see what she has available.
These videos can help you improve your reading in stages.
- VIDEO:Introduction to the Hmong Language – Alphabet
- VIDEO:Hmong Language – Alphabet – Vowels
- VIDEO: Hmong Alphabet – Consonants
- VIDEO: Hmong Alphabet – Tones Part 1
- VIDEO: Hmong Alphabet – Tones Part 2
Other Reading
Here are some other resources than can help you to improve your reading.
- ARTICLE: How to pronounce the ‘H’ in Hmong – How the aspiration works in Hmong.
- ARTICLE: Pronouncing Letter T, D, and R in Hmong – Three letters that are often hard to distinguish.
- PDF: The Cim (Tones) – Flash cards to help memorize the tone sounds.
- VIDEO: Tone Change in Hmong – Explanation of how some tones can affect the following tone.
Reading for Native Speakers
This sections contains materials to help native speakers learn to read.
- VIDEO: Hmoob Thoob Teb Alphabet – Audio combined with pictures for the Hmong letters.
- BOOK: Xyaum Nyeem Cov Ntawv Hmoob Thoob Teb – PDF book that can be printed and is an excellent tool to help native speakers learn to read.
Below are resources that can help you build your vocabulary. Building vocabulary is one of the most important steps in learning a language.
- MEMRISE: Hmong High Frequency Words Memrise Course – This is a course for the Memrise app with audio to help you memorize the high frequency words in Hmong.
- PDF: Time in Hmong – This chart contains various vocabulary words for Time in Hmong.
- BOOK: Green Hmong Primary Word Book – Vocabulary words with pictures in Green Hmong.
- BOOK: White Hmong Language Lessons – PDF book that contains guided grammar, vocab and conversation lessons. It also has many excellent pronunciation drills.
- BOOK: English Hmong Phrasebook with Useful Word List – This book was designed to help the Hmong moving to the US learn English. But it is also a valuable tool for learning Hmong phrases.
- PDF: Heimbach Family Kinship Chart – This chart explains the complicated set of vocabulary for family in Hmong.
Learning grammar in a language can help speed up your progress a bit if you already have a base of vocabulary built up.
- VIDEO: Hmong Conversation – Introductions – A video that helps practice basic conversation in Hmong.
- ARTICLE: Hmong Glossary of Grammar – A detailed explanation of many words that serve a grammar function. Contains many examples of usage.
- VIDEO: How to say ‘I can’ in Hmong
- VIDEO: Hmong Grammar: Emotional Particles – An explanation of the special words used at the ends of many sentences in Hmong.
- BOOK: White Hmong Language Lessons – PDF book that contains guided grammar, vocab and conversation lessons. It also has many excellent pronunciation drills.