Zaj 037 – Ntsib Pog Xauv Pov – Talking with Grandma

pog xauv and nyab vam - grandma and daughter in law talking and walking toward the field

Conversation – Regular Speed Conversation Conversation – Slow with ExplanationsPog Xauv Pov, koj yuav mus dab tsi os?Granny Sau Po, where are you going?Pog Xauv Pov, koj yuav mus dab tsi os?“Tau tes”The expression ‘tau tes’ means ‘get a hand’ is used similar to the English expression ‘have a free hand to…’ In the below … Read More

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Zaj 033 – Tus Tub Thiab Nws Pog Lub Neej – The Boy and His Grandmother’s Life

pog piav nws lub neej rau tus tub - grandman shares her life with a boy

Conversation – Regular Speed Conversation Conversation – Slow with ExplanationsKuv pog, kuv xav paub tias koj lub neej yav thaum hluas koj nyob pem yaj sab zoo li cas. Koj puas kam piav rau kuv mloog?Grandma, I want to know what your life was like when you were young and living in the mountains. Would … Read More

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Zaj 024 – Mus Nuv Ntses – Going Fishing

Conversation – Regular Speed Conversation Conversation – Slow with Explanations Koj tuaj lov?Oh, you’ve come? Koj tuaj lov? Aws, tuaj os.Yes, I’ve come. Aws, tuaj os. Koj tuaj muaj dab tsi os?What have you come for? Koj tuaj muaj dab tsi os? Kuv tuaj yaum koj nrog kuv wb mus nuv ntses os.I’m here to … Read More

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Zaj 025 – Ntes Qav Taug Hav Dej – Catching Frogs in the Valley

mus ntes qav - going to catch frogs

Conversation – Regular Speed Conversation Conversation – Slow with Explanations Nyob zoo os. Kuv xav tuaj yaum koj wb mus ntes qav os. Hello. I wanted to invite you to go catch frogs together. Nyob zoo os. Kuv xav tuaj yaum koj wb mus ntes qav os.  Lov zoo heev li. Yuav mus ntes qhov twg … Read More

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High Frequency Nouns

Notes: To be able to build sentences and have conversations you need vocabulary just like to be able to build a house you need raw materials like wood and brick. This game helps you to memorize some of the most common nouns (persons, places, things) in the Hmong language. It contains both White and Green Hmong examples. Your game’s progress … Read More

Animal Flash Cards

I’m testing out implementing learning games on our site. If you have any suggestions or notice anything wrong, can you please leave it in the comments below?

Zaj 013 – Ua Si Nram Hiav Txwv – Visit to the Ocean

raub ris mus kev ua ntsais saum xuab zeb

Conversation – Regular Speed Conversation Conversation – Slow with Explanations Nyob zoo os Paj Ntsais.Hello Paj Ntsais. Nyob zoo os Paj Ntsais. Aws nyob zoo os Tub. Koj tuaj lov? Los tsev os.Oh hello Tu. You’re here? Come in. Aws nyob zoo os Tub. Koj tuaj lov? Los tsev os. Aws. Paj Ntsais ntu no … Read More

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Zaj 035 – Kho Tsev – Fix the House

ib tug txiv neej pleev xim rau ib lub tsev - a man paints a house.

Conversation – Regular Speed Conversation Conversation – Slow with ExplanationsHnub no koj ua dab tsi?What are you doing today?Hnub no koj ua dab tsi?Hnub no nyob tsev xwb.Just staying at home today.Hnub no nyob tsev xwb.Yog koj nyob xwb no, thov tuaj pab kuv kho tsev puas tau?If you’re just staying at home, can you … Read More

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Zaj 023 – Qhia Tus Ntxhais Tu Tsev – Teaching the Daughter to Clean the House

ib tug ntxhais siv tshuaj txhuam los txhuam plag tsev. - A young girl uses soap to scrub the floor.

Conversation – Regular Speed Conversation Conversation – Slow with Explanations Me ntxhais pab niam tu tsev os. Peb lub tsev sw sw lawm.Daughter, help me clean the house. Our house is very messy. Me ntxhais pab niam tu tsev os. Peb lub tsev sw sw lawm. Aws, tiamsis kuv tsis txawj tu es koj qhia … Read More

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Zaj 022 – Qhia Tub Ua Hauj Lwm Tu Vaj Zaub – Teaching the Boy To Take Care of the Garden

ywg dej, ywg nroj ywg tsuag, ywg tsob ntoo - watering plants, trees, vegetation. Ib txhais tes tuav thoob siv los ywg dej rau nroj tsuag. - A hand holding a watering bucket watering plants.

Conversation – Regular Speed Conversation Conversation – Slow with Explanations Me tub, hnub no koj txhob mus ua si. Thov pab niam ua haujlwm sab nraum lub vaj zaub os.Son, today don’t go out to play. Please help me work outside in the vegetable garden. Me tub, hnub no koj txhob mus ua si. Thov … Read More

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How to Learn a Language – TRIAL & ERROR

Trial and error. What is it? It’s about figuring out the best way to achieve a goal by trying different methods and fixing any mistakes along the way. How does this affect someone learning a language? Let’s picture a child when first learning to hit a ball. The brain makes calculations and conclusions every time they swing at the ball. Whether … Read More

Zaj 032 – Xov Vaj Cog Ntoo – Fencing a Garden

Conversation – Regular Speed Conversation Laj kab ntoo uas xov lub vaj – Wooden fence enclosing garden. – Image by gpointstudioConversation – Slow with Explanations Nyob zoo os. Ntu no koj ua dab tsi lawm xwb?Hello. What are you doing these days? Nyob zoo os. Ntu no koj ua dab tsi lawm xwb? Aws nyob … Read More

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Zaj 030 – Mus Cuag Kws Kho Mob – Doctor Visit

Conversation – Regular Speed Conversation Tos kws kho mob hauv chav tos kws kho mob – Waiting for doctor in a waiting room. Credit: Image by storysetConversation – Slow with Explanations Nyob zoo. Caw zaum ntawm ko os.Hello. Sit there please. Nyob zoo. Caw zaum ntawm ko os. Aws. Nyob zoo kws kho mob.Yes. Hello … Read More

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Zaj 029 – Mob Plab – Stomach Pain

Conversation – Regular Speed Conversation Conversation – Slow with Explanations Koj tuaj lov yawg?You’ve come, sir? Koj tuaj lov yawg? Aws, tuaj os.Yes, I’m here. Aws, tuaj os. Koj tuaj muaj dab tsi os yawg?What did you come for? Koj tuaj muaj dab tsi os yawg? Me tub, kuv mob mob plab li es kuv … Read More

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Zaj 031 – Pab Luaj Nroj – Help Cutting Weeds

luaj - to cut down weeds

Conversation – Regular Speed Conversation Conversation – Slow with Explanations Nyob zoo os tub, hnub no koj ua dab tsi xwb?Hello, what are you doing today? Nyob zoo os tub, hnub no koj ua dab tsi xwb? Aws nyob zoo, hnub no kuv so thiab nyob tsev xwb.Hello, I’m just staying at home today and … Read More

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Zaj 009 – Mus Qoj Cev – Going to Exercise

qoj cev exercise

Conversation – Regular Speed Conversation Conversation – Slow with Explanations Below you will find the same conversation broken up into pieces along with explanation. Try to go through it piece by piece and understand each word. Look up words you don’t know in a dictionary. Alo, nyob zoo.Hello, hello. Alo, nyob zoo. Nyob zoo os … Read More

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Zaj 018 – Getting a Meal Together

ntxaij ci nqaij - grill for barbecuing meat

Conversation – Regular Speed Conversation Conversation – Slow with Explanations Nyob zoo, koj nyob li cas?Hello, how are you? Nyob zoo, koj nyob li cas? Kuv nyob zoo xwb.I’m fine. Kuv nyob zoo xwb. Tau ntev tsis tau ntsib koj lawm, xav pom koj.It’s been a long time since we’ve met, I want to see … Read More

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Zaj 011 – Clothing Conversation – Shopping at the Market

Two Hmong dresses stood up on mannequins in a shop with a sign in the Thai languages that says Hmong outfits for rent - 50

Conversation – Regular Speed Conversation Conversation – Slow with Explanations Below you will find the same conversation broken up into pieces along with explanation. Try to go through it piece by piece and understand each word. Look up words you don’t know in a dictionary. Nyob zoo os Mos.Hello Mo. Nyob zoo os Mos. Aws … Read More

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